WhatsApp X is a new WhatsApp Mods released relatively recently by the well-known developer Soula, creator of other modifications, which is focused on privacy and lightness, weighs only 18 MB, reaching the extreme of including only the English language.
This WhatsApp modification is similar to another WhatsApp Mods: WhatsApp B58 Mini, with both applications focusing on the same thing. Although it must be said that, personally, B58 Mini is much better right now, with more and better privacy options.
WhatsApp X Features
WhatsApp X is based on Privacy, and in order to access its different options we will have to click on the configuration button that appears at the top of the main screen, where we will find the following privacy options:
- Freeze Last Seen: Hide that we are online (we won’t be able to see if our contacts are either).
- Anti-Revoke: View messages removed from our contacts.
- Hide Status View: View status of our contacts without being seen.
- Contacts: Configure the privacy options of our contacts in general.
- Groups: Configure the privacy options of our groups in general.
- Broadcast: To configure the options of privacy of our lists of diffusion.
In contacts, groups and lists of diffusion we can configure:
- Hide Read Status: Hide reading States.
- Hide Receipt Status: Hide Status received.
- Hide Play Status: Hide reproduction of States.
- Hide Recording Status: Hide recording of a State.
- Hide Typing Status: Hide writing of a State.
Apart from the different privacy options, WhatsApp X also incorporates a function to clean the residual files, such as the cache of multimedia files, logs or even old backups.
You still have a lot to add, especially privacy options for our messages, and even privacy options in individual chats, as some modifications such as YoWhatsApp do. Even adding more languages wouldn’t hurt, but it’s not bad to start with.
WhatsApp X 0.4 News
With the latest version of WhatsApp X, version 0.4, its developer has included the possibility of installing it as a second number with a new package (com.wa). WhatsApp base for Android has been updated, now is version 2.18.306, and several bugs have been fixed. The complete list of news is:
- Based on WhatsApp 2.18.306.
- Activated all hidden functions of the official version.
- The com.wa package is now available.
- Other corrections…
Download WhatsApp X 0.4
As already mentioned, we can install WhatsApp X as the main number, with the com.whatsapp package, or as the second number, with the package. Here are the links to download the application:
Download WhatsApp X > WhatsAppX (com.whatsapp) | WhatsAppX 2 (com.wa)
Via > TekhneON