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WhatsApp web has received a new update that on this case can be considered of great importance, since it solves a security problem with which the users accounts could be stolen. An update that we can be said it has been a big surprise but it has been very well received by everyone.

The security flaw that had the version for browsers of instant messaging service allowed a hacker to install certain tools to remotely control a user’s account and thus, make it able to block it. A failure that nobody has been able to say since when it was present in this version of the messaging service and it have been discovered by the people of CheckPoint, a company that is dedicated specifically to network security.

WhatsApp Web

WhatsApp Web in the hands of any cybercriminal

It must be said that the failure presented by WhatsApp website, although initially may not be worrisome, can bring quite serious problems for any user, considering that anyone with a not too extensive knowledge, could take control of an account with impunity and thus distribute malware through this system. It has even known that they could install a ramsonware, consisting of a particular program that locks the account of any user, and to recover it, you have to pay a ransom to the criminals. Besides that they can use that control of the account to distribute viruses to the contacts of the affected user.

An update of WhatsApp Web as a solution

Thanks to the performance of WhatsApp developers and the launch of the corresponding update, it seems that the problem is completely solved. Right now the Web update of WhatsApp takes up its version 0.1.4481, so all users of the service through different browsers should check that they use that version. Also, it is recommended to delete the browser cache to be absolutely sure we get access to the latest version.

We must say that the security breach was detected on 21 August from the aforementioned security company, which immediately got in touch with officials of WhatsApp. And nothing less than the August 27 update to resolve this issue was launched. What happens is that for confidentiality reasons, the news has not started to spread until very recently.

A comment on "WhatsApp Web is safer thanks a new update"

  1. Ikgo says:

    Downloading whatsapp is a huge prblm frm ths side, the steps r complicated

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