WhatsApp Web for iPhone is now available in Beta version

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A few days ago we announced that WhatsApp Web for iPhone would come very soon, today is already available from the new beta of the app, the version, available from here. It is great news for all iPhone users that very soon they will use WhatsApp Web without jailbreak, something that certainly we do not recommend at all (use jailbreak).

So, soon it will have solved the problems for which it was impossible to use WhatsApp Web on your iPhone because of “limitations of Apple”, because WhatsApp Web is not a native app, but is a web app. So, if you’re a developer, you have your iOS or MAC developer account and know how to sign the app, you can access to WhatsApp Web, plus activating voice calls, as we discussed here.

WhatsApp Web for iPhone

We assume that all these news in WhatsApp for iPhone will coming soon for all users in the stable version of the App Store,surely before the end of this month. Stay tuned to the news of the blog, soon we will tell you more news of the app in the iOS platform.


4 comments on "WhatsApp Web for iPhone is now available in Beta version"

  1. Vicko says:

    I can’t install beta. It says every time: “Unable to Download App-WhatsaApp could not be installed at this time”
    Do I need jailbreak to install beta?

  2. Scott says:

    Can confirm. Link doesn’t let you install.

    Any other links, mirrors, or suggestions?

  3. JB says:

    Jailbreak required.

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