WhatsApp has shown throughout its history to have many weaknesses in safety, thanks to the work of developers have been corrected or improved over time. Although they can never lower the guard and must continue to innovate for the safety of the app.
But worth remembering that we users, we can also do some simple things that will further increase our security when using the messaging service. Five simple actions that we can all carry out and that will prevent many cybercriminals, or people too prying, enter our accounts to cause us damage without us noticing what happens.
Tips to make WhatsApp safer
The first thing you can do to be safer using WhatsApp is as simple as using a password, a feature that unfortunately does not offer the application, but we can get thanks to third applications. We can name a few such as WhatsApp Lock or ChatLock with a easy installation and handling.
Another tip you can follow is to hide the read receipts, to avoid that everybody knows when we are online in the instant messaging service and when not. Using the privacy menu can enable or disable these confirmations.
WhatsApp and the security with the photographies.
One aspect to consider when it comes to improving safety on the instant messaging service is about the photographies. On the one hand, we can restrict access to our profile picture to prevent it from being used fraudulently. We simply must go to the privacy menu and select if you want someone see that picture, or nobody.
Also avoid that the pictures you receive through WhatsApp are stored in the gallery of your smartphone, because anyone who has access to that device may see what you received. You have to keep in mind that all the pictures that your contacts send you, are stored in the gallery automatically.
And finally you can do something as simple and logical as log out every time you finish using WhatsApp Web, because any other person that uses the same computer, will have an easy access to your account. Nothing can happen at home, but imagine that you use it on a public computer…
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