WhatsApp for Windows Phone Beta updated several times

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WhatsApp for Windows Phone in its beta version has received over the last 24 hours a several updates that have incorporated several new features related with the notification settings, among other innovations which stand right now. We see that the application it is polishing, we think waiting for the final disposal of Windows 10.

Now updating WhatsApp Beta version for Windows Phone has brought a reconfiguration of the notification settings tab and joins in her the control of everything what is related with this option. There is a clearer access to the controls with the possibility of putting tone to the group notifications plus enable or disable the tones within the application. We also have message preview in notifications.

WhatsApp for Windows Phone Beta

WhatsApp for Windows Phone Beta has been updated again

In addition scarcely a few hours ago the Beta version has been updated again to version with new options for notifications settings. It moves upwards the block of group notifications when we activate the alerts and it added the ability to enable or disable the vibration in the in-App notifications.

Thus, in a future update to the final version of WhatsApp for Windows Phone we have the possibility that we may not be shown notifications but through a vibration we have evidence that has come. Now we have to hope that all this news does not take time to reach all users.

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