WhatsApp for Windows 8 fake in Windows Store

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WhatsApp have right now inside the Windows Store an application that results to be a falsification of itself. With the name of “What’s App Messenger 2015” is presented this application that aims to be a client of the service instant messaging compatible with Windows 8 for all supported computers.

This application turns out to be a vulgar falsification of the original WhatsApp, is priced in the Windows Store for 3.99 euros ($3,99) and initially may be attractive to users, but basically it is a hoax. After examining carefully, including screenshots, we realize that it is just a fake, by which they can remove us a good amount of money.

WhatsApp for Windows 8 fake in Windows Store

WhatsApp for Windows 8 fraudulent.

The worst, and what should be controlled much more, is that this false application uses the same logo as the original WhatsApp, and this can cheat many users. At the moment we have no explanation of how did it come this falsification, that in the end it turns out to be a scam, to the Microsoft app store. Although it seems to have already committed to search and know how this kind of fraudulent applications to the store, still keeps popping up in store…


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