WhatsApp for iPhone updated to version 2.12.11

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Just published a new update of WhatsApp for iPhone, the fifth in a very short time, with which the application is updated to version 2.12.11. This is an update with many new features, as the links that you share or receive will now include a rich preview. When sending a link, we have the option to not include a rich preview.

But there is more news, and that is if you download WhatsApp iPhone free also offers more 3D Touch features such as Peek and Pop chats are available. WhatsApp had also included a redesigned Settings tab, like Facebook, and includes the ability to view all our starred messages across all our chats in Settings > Starred Messages.

whatsapp for iphone

WhatsApp for iPhone version 2.12.11 – News

  • Links that you share or receive will now include a rich preview. When sending a link, you have the option to not include a rich preview.
  • Additional 3D Touch features: You can now quickly Peek and Pop chats.
  • Redesigned Settings tab.
  • You can now view all your starred messages across all your chats in Settings — Starred Messages.

WhatsApp iPhone is available free on the App Store.

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