The Beta version of WhatsApp for Android just received a new update, in particular it is version 2.16.236. Once again it is an upgrade without major apparent changes, and this week we have not seen anything new, despite adding multiple files and lines of code related to sending GIFs, although the company has not stopped optimize application, as evidenced by the 253 emoji and icons modified and optimized in this version.
Internally this new beta version of WhatsApp for Android brings many changes, as I have said, is that although its installation file APK has decreased by 30 KB, have modified 472 files, among which the 253 emoji and icons modified, along with many other files related to the main functions of the application.
How to download the Beta version of WhatsApp for Android
We remind you that this Beta version to download from Google Play before you have to become beta testers. It’s really simple, besides, we can stop being beta tester also very easily and receive updates only stable application. Please remember that if you want to become a beta tester of the application from Google Play, you have all the information here.
Remind you that the beta versions of the application are not exempt from errors, its installation can cause unexpected errors, even when installing the application will see messages that warn us, but as a rule the beta version of WhatsApp for Android never gives problems and we will have the latest news before than the stable version of Google Play.