WhatsApp has been slow to launch the expected voice calls, but It seems that from now it’s going to be updated with new features that will make them more effective. Now those calls within Android and iOS platforms are optimized with new features that will be implemented gradually.
To begin it seems that the Voice Calls for WhatsApp within Android are optimized to run on 2G mobile networks, as introduce improvement in the service. This has been discovered, as has become usual, with the requests of translations to some employees of the courier company. There are three new features awaiting its translation and adaptation to other languages within the beta version of the app. It’s clearly that it will suits to the the needs of users.
This new features of the calls of WhatsApp correspond to “the user is on another call” when the user is communicating. We will have a warning when a call is muted. And finally in future we gonna have the call waiting, for cases when you have to answer another call. At the moment it’s unknown when the new features will arrive, but if they are already in this stage of development, we can be sure that soon we can begin to enjoy them.