WhatsApp still growing up in the number of active users that uses the messaging service every month. The company just announced that there are currently 800 million monthly active users. This quanity is a big record and there’s no application of the competition that can overcome that right now.
Through his Facebook account, Jan Koum announced earlier today a new record for the instant messaging application, every month 800 million are added to the service and useit actively. A few months ago, specifically the last January, Koum already announced that the quanity at that time was 700 million of active users per month. So the growth of the active WhatsApp users is spectacular.
This quanity is very important for WhatsApp and all users of the messaging service, because the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg said he hopes to take a big profit of the messaging application once it reach the 1,000 million of active users per month. This service is already the useest in the world, and it will be almost impossible for any rival remove them the throne.
Although there are still many changes to come in the application.