MNWA, also known as MNWhatsApp or Minimal WhatsApp, is a MOD from WhatsApp not very popular, but with an incredible development quality, which uses the Material Design style from Google that gives it a really fantastic final look, as well as a very high customization possibility, being able to personalize almost everything.
The modification is based on the possibly best WhatsApp MODs, Fouad WhatsApp, so we will get all the features and functions of this modification, in addition to the original application, WhatsApp for Android, and the own and exclusive added by the developer of this MOD.
New in MNWhatsApp 8
As we have already mentioned, the latest version of MNWhatsApp has all the new features of the latest version of Fouad WhatsApp, but in addition its developer usually includes quite a few new features exclusively focused on customization, as you can read below in the full list of new features.
The full and official list of what’s new in MNWhatsApp 8 is as follows:
- Version 8:
- Redesign of several interface icons.
- Slight improvements in text input styles.
- Extended MNWA expiration time.
- APK performance optimization.
- IG style text input with MNWA signature style.
- New camera photo capture shutter style.
- MNWA settings styling with WhatsApp-like styling.
- WhatsApp settings (default) now have the same style as MNWA.
- Invisible day/night mode. to give a cleaner look to the interface.
- Invisible “Do Not Disturb” mode, to give a cleaner look to the interface.
- New gradient ticks style.
- Improved “Go to bottom” button in conversation.
- Improved Facebook Messenger style text input.
- Version 7:
- New emojis iOS 14 style
- Fixed the error that displayed an MNWA update message (Under Test).
- Stability and more improvements.
- ……………………………………………….
- Fix for storage access on devices with Android 9, 10 and 11 (Android 11 under test).
- New icons for the emoji bar.
- New icons for the emoji selector in status or images.
- New icons for screen during a call or video call.
- The call and video call icons (conversation header) have been made a bit thicker (now they look better).
- New design for the attachments menu.
- Improvement in the icons of the audios within the conversation.
- Redesign of the fast scroll button within the conversation.
- Improved speed and stability of MNWA.
- Fixed black icon for attachment when replying to a status.
- New camera design.
- New style of Indicator for pinned chats.
- 1 MB less heavy (xd).
- Many more things for you to discover …
Download MNWA
To download MNWhatsApp we have two installation packages, the com.whatsapp, to install it as the main number of our WhatsApp account, and the com.mnwa, to install it as an extra number. Each package has 2 versions, Telegram X and iOS, where only the sound changes when receiving or sending messages.
To install for the first time before starting we must make a backup of our conversations and uninstall the WhatsApp or modification that we have installed in the number where we want to install. If you want to update, you should not delete anything, just download the APK and install it normally.
Download MNWhatsApp > com.whatsapp (iOS) | com.whatsapp (Discord) | com.whatsapp (Stock) | com.whatsapp (Telegram X)