lichess Chess
lichess Chess is an open source Android game, free and without ads now and forever, where we can play online against other players to all variants of chess you can imagine, practice or play tournaments.
Once you install lichess APK on your Android device and you have the level you have you can practice, improve, play online against more than 150,000 users and even participate in various tournaments that are organized from the game itself.
Features of lichess Chess
Whether you are a beginner, a master or want to learn to play chess, without a doubt this is the best Chess game for Android that exists, with features that you will not find in any other, such as the following:
- 150 000 individual users daily and growing fast.
- Play bullet, blitz, classical, and correspondence chess
- Play in arena tournaments
- Find, follow, challenge players
- See your games stats
- Practice with chess puzzles
- Many variants, available online and offline: Crazyhouse, Chess 960, King Of The Hill, Three-check, Antichess, Atomic chess, Horde, Racing Kings
- Game analysis with local computer evaluation
- Server computer analysis with move annotations and game summary
- Unlimited opening explorer
- Endgame tablebase explorer
- Play with offline computer
- Over The Board mode to play offline with a friend
- Standalone chess clock with multiple time settings
- Board editor
- Available in 80 languages
- Designed for both phones and tablets, supporting landscape mode
- 100% free, without ads, and opensource!
But here it does not end, and is that with lichess Chess you can experiment with a variety of chess, either in online or offline mode, such as the following:
- Crazyhouse: Each time a player captures a piece, the captured piece changes sides, and is stored in that player’s ‘reserve’. Later that player can play that reserved piece.
- Chess 960: The pieces in the initial rows start the game randomly, given certain rules.
- King of the hill: Move your king to the center of the board to win.
- Three check: Check your opponent’s king three times to win.
- Anti-chess: Lose all your pieces to win.
- Atomic Chess: Each capture results in the capture of the moved piece, and the capture of all surrounding pieces regardless of their color, except pawns.
- Horde: Destroy the horde to win.
- Race of kings: Take your king to the eighth row to win.
New features of lichess Chess 8.0.0
A great application needs great development and of course also great maintenance, and the developers of lichess spare no effort to constantly update the application with new features, improvements and bug fixes.
The official list of new features in lichess Chess 8.0.0 is as follows:
- Fixed timeline
- Restore timeline
- Disable back button on game while playing
- Update to capacitor 4.0
How to install lichess APK?
After downloading lichess APK you must follow the next steps for its correct installation:
- Click on the downloaded APK or package and grant permission to install unknown applications if we don’t have it installed yet. Depending on the version of Android that we have on our device:
- Android 5 to 7: Enable the option “Install from Unknown Sources” or “Unknown Sources” in Phone Settings > Security.
- Android 8 or higher: Go to Device Settings > Applications. Search from where we are going to install the downloaded APK, any device manager, and in advanced settings click on Install apps from unknown sources and activate the option. NOTE: Clicking on the APK to install also gives us the possibility to go to settings to activate this option.
- Follow the installation steps indicated by the app.
- Ready, we have lichess APK installed!!!!.
How to update lichess APK?
If you already have installed lichess APK and what you want is to install the latest available version of 2023, it is even easier to install, since you will not need to re-activate the installation from unknown sources on your Android device.
To update simply download from the link below and click on it, when it asks if you want to install an update, click on install and ready, you have the latest version on your Android device.
Download lichess APK
You can now download “lichess” Chess for free in its latest version 2023, version 8.0.0. The best Chess game for Android or any other platform.
To download lichess APK we have several options, below are the direct download links: