Fouad WhatsApp

Fouad WhatsApp has been updating constantly lately, and today it’s doing it again, this time to the new version 10.10. This is a major update, like the previous ones, where many bugs have been fixed, as well as continuing to improve performance and change some things.
It must be said that the base has been changed, it is now version, the penultimate stable version in Google Play of WhatsApp for Android. Finally, its developer has decided to upgrade to the latest stable version and thus be able to make video calls and group calls of up to 8 users.
Main Features
To begin with, we would have to say that being based on YoWhatsApp, it inherited all the features that it had, but also, update after update, new ones and extras were added, so talking about all of them would take up a lot of time.
Here is a list of the main features of Fouad WhatsApp:
- We can customize it with hundreds of themes available to download from the application itself.
- Status of up to 250 characters.
- Message scheduler.
- Answering machine.
- With emoji changer.
- Allows you to use up to 3 WhatsApp accounts on the same device.
- Allows you to hide notifications.
- It allows you to send any type of file up to 50MB.
- Increased the video sending limit up to 700MB.
- Possibility of not compressing the photos sent, so they do not lose quality.
- Possibility to protect individual chats by password.
- Hide connection status to contacts.
- Configure Privacy options (anything you can think of).
- Full customization of the look of the installed theme.
- Edition of the size, color and type of the source.
- Ability to use filters before sending a photo or video.
- Stickers now available!!!.
- The rest you will have to discover for yourself 😉
What’s new in Version 10.10
As we can see below, the list of new features in Fouad WhatsApp is quite extensive, correcting many bugs, updating the base and many new features at the level of user interface, where it has changed quite a bit from the previous version of the application.
The full list of new features in Fouad WhatsApp 10.10 is as follows:
- Version 10.10:
- [Base] Updated to version — Play Store
- [Added] Exclusive: Know Caller person Location
- Version 10.06:
- [Fixed] Group names color
- [Fixed] Crash in avatar create
- [Fixed] 5-minute status option
- Version 10.05:
- [Improved] Improved bypass verification
- [Improved] Code from other phone verification works
- [Improved] Increased anti ban
- [Unlocked] All features in Linked Devices
- [Fixed] The black ticks color
- [Fixed] the playstore update message
- [Fixed] gap in updates page
- [Fixed] random crash when using IG status
- [Misc] Other fixes and improvements in Fouad WhatsApp
- [Changed] Change icons
- Version 10.03:
- [Added] You can post Status in linked device
- [Added] See channels in linked device
- [Fixed] Quoted message colors not working
- [Fixed] Crash in some phones
- Version 10.0:
- [Base] Base Update: — Play Store
- [Anti-Ban] Fix SMS/Call Verification
- [Anti-Ban] Disabled data collection by WA
- [Added] Change Convo Default Reactions (FMMods > Conversation Screen)
- [Added] Call Screen Background Color (FMMods > Home > Calls)
- [Added] Call Screen Text color option
- [Added] Call Screen Icons color option
- [Added] Notification Icon color option (FMMods > Universal > Style)
- [Enabled] Search messages by date
- [Enabled] New WhatsApp UI
- [Enabled] Multiple Accounts on same devices
- [Fixed] Light/Night mode option to FMMods > FMThemes
- [Fixed] Lots of bugs and Improvements
- [Fixed] General bug fixes in Fouad WhatsApp
- Version 9.98:
- [Added] Added more anti-ban protection.
- [Fixed] 1 hour ban issue for some users.
- Version 9.95:
- [Base] Base updated to version
- [Added] Ghost Mode. While Ghost Mode is active, your actions will be invisible to everyone. Your “last seen” is freezed, other people will think you didn’t receive the messages, opened messages will not turn blue, and you can view statuses secretly.
- [Added] Custom Media Download control for each chat
- [Added] WhatsApp Old UI style (FMMods > Home > Header > Home UI Style)
- [Added] See Message Edit History (after installing V9.90)
- [Added] Option to show/hide ghost mode icon
- [Added] Antiban improvements
- [Added] Added again option to show night/light icon on Home
- [Added] Again Profile Picture in Groups
- [Updated] Hide Blue Ticks code
- [Improved] Unlimited open for View Once media
- [Enabled] Multiple Accounts on same devices
- [Enabled] Adjust Group Permissions
- [Enabled] New Settings UI
- [Enabled] Create profile @username, wait for server activation
- [Enabled] Add Email Address to your account (Settings > Account)
- [Enabled] Option to approve new group members before joining
- [Enabled] Media Preview feature
- [Enabled] Return original tabs order
- [Moved] Light/Night mode option to FMMods > FMThemes
- [Changed] Change to Ghost Mode now takes priority over custom privacy.
- [Fixed] Custom Privacy for Business Chats
- [Fixed] Date Bubble not showing clearly when scrolling
- [Fixed] Screen share button color in calls
- [Fixed] Some text not showing on white theme during calls.
- [Fixed] Hide View Status on some phones
- [Fixed] Rounded entry recording audio
- [Fixed] Swipe row features not working
- [Fixed] Space when scrolling some UI
- [Fixed] Search in calls
- [Fixed] Bubble Bottom Bar random crash
- [Fixed] Anti View Once issues
- [Fixed] Storage issue in Android 14
- [Fixed] Backup/Restore issues in Android 13+
- [Fixed] Crash on some phones
- [Fixed] Android 14+ Theme download issue
- [Fixed] Android 14+ Backup/Restore issue
- [Fixed] Crash on older devices
- [Fixed] iOS14 Entry Style
- [Fixed] Crash in calls history on some phones
- [Fixed] Blue ticks showing randomly when privacy is enabled
- [Fixed] Anti View Once media deleted issue
- [Misc] Remove “audio” from custom download due to conflict with voice notes
- [Misc] Other fixes and improvements in Fouad WhatsApp
Install Fouad WhatsApp
It is very important that you follow the following steps according to your situation to install Fouad WhatsApp without being banned:
- If you are a new current user on Stock / original WhatsApp: You can take backup, and verify your number in Fouad WA.
- If you want to register a NEW Number: You can install Fouad WA and verify. There is nothing else to do.
- If you were BANNED: You will probably have to use the “Linked Device” feature to use Fouad WA, so you will need to have Official WhatsApp installed. Good news, you can install stock whatsapp and Fouad WA on the same phone and use it normally.
- If you are just upgrading and have not been banned: You have to make a backup, remove the installed version and install Fouad WA 10.06 again.
Change Interface for Original WhatsApp
If you don’t like the new Fouad WhatsApp interface you can always go back to the original WhatsApp by default, to do this simply go to “Menu > Mods > Main Screen > Top Bar > Navigation interface style”, here we must choose WhatsApp UI Stock.
Download Fouad WhatsApp APK
We can download Fouad WhatsApp APK in up to 4 different packages, which means that if we want to install it as our main WhatsApp account number we have to download the package com.whatsapp. To add extra numbers we can download any of the other three packages.
Before upgrading or installing for the first time, remember to backup your conversations. Also, if you are installing Fouad WhatsApp for the first time, you must first delete the WhatsApp or WhatsApp Mod that you have installed on your WhatsApp account number.
how to animate or make our name in header move?
How to private status to someone, exsample to everyone, my contact or except
hello my dear why did you remove the “increase forward limit to 250” option,
it is very important option, please put it back.
Thank you very much
Am trying to update my FMWHATAPP but the connection is not going through, can you be of help please before I loose everything
it is still there just go to settings and enable the function
How do I change voice before sending
Am trying to update my fm WhatsApp but it’s not working . Can u please help before I loose the important things
Not sending messages and receiving messages from any one how to solve it