Download WhatsApp for Android 2.12.285 (beta version)

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It’s now available on the WhatsApp servers of the latest update of WhatsApp for Android, in its beta version, which comes to the new version 2.12.285. This is an update where the most notable change we have noticed has been translated into some languages ​​the “include videos” option when backing up with Google Drive, plus the usual bug fixes and other improvements bring each new update. Anyway, if you install this new version and notice any changes, improvements or bug, please comment.

Internally this beta version of WhatsApp for Android brings many changes, and its APK has increased 49 KB, with 339 modified files, a real bestiality, which makes us think that they are adding some new features that are rumored by the network . Also, this time have added 6 new files, specifically are the “ic_msg_fail.xml” and “location_picker.xml” files and the “ic_msg_fail_normal.png” icon (a red circle with an exclamation mark inside) spread over 4 different directories.

WhatsApp for Android 2.12.285

WhatsApp for Android 2.12.285 – News:

  • miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements

WhatsApp for Android in its Public Beta version is available for free from the official website of the app.

Download | Official Website

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